I seem to be applying and getting accepted to a lot of conventions happening all in the same months, and more often, back to back (to back!) and while I'm thankful for the opportunities, man am I exhausted. I did unfortunately get waitlisted for Colossalcon North, so I probably won't be there this year, except possibly in the Craft Fair and Cosplay Meet-n-greet!
Anyway, let's get into it. Please always keep in mind that when I do reviews of cons, I'm not trying to be harshly critical or claim that these specific cons are/aren't worth the money, I'm just giving my accounts of the event(s) and I want every con that sees these to take this as notes on how to do better rather than trying to bully.
Colossalcon Texas was fantastic about letting us know the load-in information ahead of time, but I would have preferred a map with where to go, as the Texas Kalahari is even bigger than the Sandusky or Dells locations. Even if it was a quick, hand drawn map, it definitely would have helped my lost butt find where I needed to be. But I also believe this should be standard of all cons, whether the artists are returning or new, since load-in areas can and do change.
I do have to say, I love the energy that the vending staff provide, and how they're willing to look out for their artists. They came around and checked on artists, made sure that a majority of the artists were in before opening up for the day (which Friday we had to open 10 minutes late because 15 artists weren't down at their tables, but the rest were). They also went around and made sure folks knew that the artist alley was closing in 30, 15, and 5 minutes. They did change their hours last minute and closed an hour earlier on Sunday than it said in the email, and lots of folks were at the flea market, not paying attention to the time, and thus missed out on some last minute transactions. While a little miffed, I wasn't too upset as we had a 13 hour drive ahead of us. Overall that weekend, I got to cross off Kabuto, Happiny, and Swablu for kigus! I also got commissioned for a few other Pokemon, but you know how I am about making sure that I record which new Pokemon are done!
I also ran out of Pokeballs during the gatchapon, so I definitely need to make a note of making more of those in what little free time I have (:sweatdrop:) and I really appreciate the kind words and love that folks had for my work! Everyone seemed really sweet and there was a lot of kind words thrown around my table from one cosplayer to another. My partner also got a lot of compliments for his Stanley Pines cosplay and that pushed me to making my own Stanford Pines cosplay! You can see the sweater I crocheted at the bottom!
One thing that wasn't necessarily the cons fault but something that needs to be a reminder for everyone: If your dog is reactive to other dogs, they shouldn't be in tight spaces with medical service dogs. I understand that conventions are already stressful and hard to deal with emotionally, but bringing your ESA around dogs that are highly trained for their medical issues isn't helpful to anyone. Right in front of my table there was a service Shiba Inu sitting at their partner's feet, when a black and white dog twice the Shibe's size snapped at them. The Shibe's partner didn't say anything, but I watched like a hawk to make sure that their dog didn't get attacked again. Medical assistance animals take years of training, and if they're attacked, or even snapped at, it can undo those years of training and force these dogs into retirement, meaning that the person who needs their dog to live now has to spend dozens more thousands of dollars to get a new partner, and the cycle can continue. I really want to reiterate that this is nothing that the convention itself can do, but something to keep in mind of for folks who may want to bring their pet to a convention. Especially as an hour or so later, another dog (not part of the two mentioned above) pooped in the artist alley about 2-3 booths down from my table. While most folks and the artists laughed it off, it would have been no fun if someone had stepped into the landmine or slipped in it. It could also force the con to pay for those cleaning fees, which can be exorbitant.
While I didn't get to partake in most of the other parts of Colossalcon Texas, what I did experience was community, kindness, and looking out for one another, which is how conventions should be. I hope I get to come back next year as the Kalahari at Round Rock was gorgeous and we got to eat some fantastic food.
2D Con was a lot of the same as Colossalcon Texas, with more of a crazy layout. What I had heard through various congoers/staffers/etc was that this hotel used to house quite a few conventions every year and they got new management and told all the cons to go take a hike. When they got new management again, they started reaching out to conventions, which is how 2D ended up here. These guys did have a map, but it wasn't really great since our google maps took us in the back, and I think the map was showing the side? We were also told it was okay to park where we started unloading and not 10 minutes later were told that, no, we couldn't actually be there and that the hotel is calling tow trucks to get the people (mostly artists) out of there. I wish there was better communication, especially as that was where the block party was held, but not scheduled for Thursday when we loaded in. We also were then led around in circles about where we could go down or up and which elevators we could use. It was just a little messy and I hope that we can improve for next year.
As for my hotel, I really wish they could have better explained which area we actually were in, because "West Tower" and "East Tower" don't really mean much to me. Tell me I gotta go left or right when I come in the front (lol). Other than that, the room was very roomy and we honestly could have had a party.
The con itself seemed really packed, but it definitely came and went in waves. We had quite a few people loving my Junimos, and it makes me excited that I have to make more! I still, for some reason, have my glow in the dark one. Anyway, we again met some really fantastic people who were kind and really wanted to support my business! Thanks to a few folks, we were able to cross off Tandemaus, Greavard, and Hypno! We also even got a commission for Heavy Point Chopper from One Piece, so I'm excited to see how that comes out!
I do also appreciate that the Artist Alley head came around and told the artists that the guests were wanting to come do some shopping, but wouldn't be released from contractual obligations until after the AA closed, so if anyone wanted to stay so they could shop, they would appreciate it. Not a lot of people stayed, and while an extra 2 hours at the table kinda sucked, getting to meet Tim Downie (Voice of Gale, BG3), and Amelia Tyler (Voice of Narrator, BG3) was really cool. Both very down to Earth people who want to support artists. The sweet bean next to me had a Gale print that a lot of people bought to have Mr. Downie sign and you could tell they were star-struck. It was such a cute interaction that I got to witness and I'm thankful I could!
Sales weren't too bad for either convention. I was able to make a little extra after expenses, which just went to paying off my credit card and removing one of my teeth. Part of the reason I'm just now writing this is because the recovery has been a pain in the butt. That being said, I really appreciate the opportunities that these cons gave me, and being a mostly 3D artist, I feel like a lot more people sold prints and charms and they all did pretty well, of the ones I spoke to. Being able to see some of the cool extra stuff I got to see and do really does make it worth it. I am super hopeful to see how well we do at our next conventions and hope that we can spread Seifer's Stitches and Snacc Pack even further!
Thank you so much for reading through this and if there's any conventions you think I should sell at, let me know! You can also put suggestions on most conventions websites or social media to let them know that you want me there! I'm looking to guest as Seifer or Snacc Pack and would love to spread more positivity and kindness!
Grunkle Ford Sweater! Took about a week of on and off working (With a lot of work put into the smaller parts)